What is WordPress and Why We use it?

WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS) that is initially developed for blogs or informative websites.
WordPress is available free for use. Users can add / Edit their website using themes and plugins.

Theme:  Theme is responsible for the layout & Flow of the website.
Plugin: Plugin is used to Add/Extend website functionality.

Now in these days, WordPress is used for multiple types of websites including e-commerce, portfolio management, etc.

Why We Use WordPress:

1. Free Available:

WordPress is open source and available for free. You can download WordPress from its official website and use it to create your website. Because it’s free you can customize it according to your needs.
To create a WordPress website, you need a domain (URL Using Website Access) and hosting server to deploy the website.

2. User Friendly GUI:

Basically, WordPress is created for the general user which can’t afford expensive website development and maintenance. So, peoples who developed WordPress make it simple as they can do it for their users.

3. Easy to Develop & Flexibility:

Flexibility is one of the most important things in WordPress which takes it in the first place. The Ability to customize core through the plugin is very easy. Its Flexibility Make it Better. For the developers, it’s easy to modify WordPress core using hooks provided by WordPress and they can write own hooks to extend its functionality.
For an End-user WordPress, GUI (Graphical User Interface) is super flexible like the user can easily change the layout of site content using the theme and using plugins extend its functionality.
Key Plugins for User:
Below is the List of Plugins which makes a user life easy.

  • Contact Form 7 – This plugin is generally used for Contact Forms.
  • WP Super Cache – This Plugin is used to speed up sites.
  • W3 Total Cache – This plugin is also used to speed up sites.
  • Auto Optimize – This plugin is used to Speed up the site using compress its HTML, CSS, and JS, etc.
  • Really Simple SSL – This plugin is used to add SSL on the Website it will replace HTTP with HTTPS of your website URL.
  • MailChimp for WordPress – This plugin allowing your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter should be easy.
  • Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan – This plugin helps to enhance your website security.
  • Yoast SEO – This plugin is used for SEO purposes- Yoast SEO does everything in its power to please both visitors and search engine spiders.

4. Minimum Maintenance Cost:

Because WordPress is open-source and available free for users. There is no hidden cost taken by WordPress. You can download it from its official website and use it. A User only needs to pay for Hosting and Domain. If the user wants advance functionality and layout then buy WordPress premium themes and plugins.

5. SEO Friendly:

One of the Best CMS in the world provides built-in SEO functionality for its users. WordPress has a user-friendly URL structure and the user can change URL structure through WordPress settings.
Change URL Structure:
Go to WordPress admin (http://yoursite.com/wp-admin) -> Settings -> Permalink
Here you can modify the URL structure as per your need.