Add Featured Image In Category (Taxonomy Term)

If you are looking to customize and modify the way category images appear on your site, then this plugin is for you. What it does, is that it gives you the ability to change the image of categories as add on feature.

Taxonomy Thumbnail and Widget

Using Taxonomy Thumbnail and widget plugin user can make thumbnail option for inbuilt and custom taxonomy terms and access via widget (Taxonomy Term List) in sidebar and also use in page/post using shortcode.

Use <?php if (function_exists('ttw_thumbnail_url')) echo ttw_thumbnail_url(); ?> to get the url and put it in any img tag or simply use <?php if (function_exists('ttw_thumbnail_image')) echo ttw_thumbnail_image(); ?> in (category or taxonomy) template.

Arguments in above functions:

1. ttw_thumbnail_url($termid , $size);
2. ttw_thumbnail_image($termid , $size);

Plugin advantage

  • Easy to configuration.
  • Unblockable.
  • Plugin supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE
  • Woocommerce Compatible
  • Shortcode

Plugin configuration

  • Drag and drop the widget (Taxonomy Term List)
  • Shortcodes :
    [TTW_TERMS taxonomy=’category’ class=’taxonomy-term-list’]

For Show current post/product taxonomies

[TTW_POST_TERMS_ICON taxonomy="product_tag” class="“ hide_empty="" post_id=""]

post_id is not required
taxonomy is required